Who is the voice actor for Modern Warfare 2's Valeria Garza

Valeria Garza is a character in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2's campaign. Also known as El Sin Nombre, she is the leader of the fictional Las Almas Cartel and used to be a soldier for the Mexican Special Forces, along with Alejandro Vargas. However, due to a falling out with her former squadmates, the individual opted to pursue a path of ruthless murder and a craving to establish dominance.

This cartel leader has a unique and unforgettable personality that has made her a fan-favorite character. She is known for her sharp wit, unapologetic nature, and blatant disrespect towards anyone in a position of authority. Despite being portrayed as the embodiment of evil, she is one of the more interesting characters in Modern Warfare 2 and is voiced by none other than Maria Elisa Camargo.

Everything fans need to know about the voice behind Modern Warfare 2's Valeria Garza

María Elisa Camargo, a talented Ecuadorian actress and activist, kickstarted her career by participating in The X Factor Colombia competition. She has been active in the entertainment industry since 2006 and has made quite a name for herself. Before she lent her voice to Modern Warfare 2's villain Valeria Garza, María worked in numerous television series as well as movies.

She has played the main role in over 180 episodes of Porque el amor manda, which aired from 2012 to 2013. In 2019, she played the role of Isabel García in 58 episodes of El Barón. Apart from these two television shows, María has acted in a total of 11 (total 13) series and four movies, with some notable names being Volando Bajo, Unimundo 45, and more.

She was also nominated for the Favorite Protagonist due to her role in En otra piel by the Premios Tu Mundo. María also made the list of '50 most beautiful people' in the People en Español, a Spanish-language American magazine.

The actor's recent work in the gaming industry as Valeria Garza has earned her a large following among fans. In the title, Maria used her voice, performed facial expressions, and provided motion capture for Valeria's character. Her portrayal of the virtual entity has been widely praised, even inspiring numerous memes and artwork.

Valeria Garza is currently available in Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 as an unlockable character. She arrived in the multiplayer modes with the Season 3 update alongside Alejandro Vargas. As an Operator, Valeria comes with four unique skins that can be obtained through the Battle Pass, with two of them being exclusive to the BlackCell sectors.

Season 3 of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 is live and available on PC (via Battle.net and Steam), Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5.

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